蜘蛛侠英雄归来经典搞笑台词语录有哪些 小蜘蛛钢铁侠精彩对白大盘点

2017-09-11 11:24:15

  3、No matter what situation we face, no matter how contradictory our hearts are, we always he a choice. What kind of person we are depends on who we choose to be.


  4、Ben Parker:If you could do good things for other people you had a moral obligation to do those things.That's what's at stake here.Not choice.Responsibility.

  本·帕克:如果你有能力去帮助别人,你就有帮助别人的责任和义务。这就是你生存的意义,这不是选择,而是 责任。(彼得爸爸的生存信条)

  5、Slander is spoken. In print, it’s libel.


  6、Justice must sacrifice the ego, even the most precious thing, and even the dream.


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