复仇者联盟3经典台词对白都有哪些 灭霸金句王语录大盘点

2018-05-11 13:22:25

  4.你杀人,折磨人 你叫它怜悯

  You kill,you,torture. And you called mercy.

  5.我知道失去亲人的感觉。 即使你们如此绝望,最后还是失败了。

  To feel desperately that you're right,yet to fail nonetheless.

  6.卡魔拉:什么代价 灭 霸:一切

  -What did it cost? -Everything.

  7.宇宙审判了你 你问他要礼物时,他拒绝了 因为你什么都不爱

  The universe had judged you. You ask it for a prize Because you love nothing .No one.

  8.洛基:You will never be a god


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